Boutwell Early Childhood Center
Grades PreK and Kindergarten |
Principal: Ms. Kristen Walsh |
17 Boutwell Street |
Wilmington, MA 01887 |
978.694.6070 |
School Hours: K - 8:35 a.m. to 2:05 p.m. |
PreK - 8:35 a.m. to 11:05 a.m. |
and 11:40 a.m. to 2:10 p.m. |
Early Dismissal Time: 11:05 a.m.
View the Boutwell ECC Registration and Screening brochure below or click here to download the pdf.

School Overview
The Boutwell Early Childhood Center is dedicated to the education of young children. It is an inclusive student-centered educational facility offering a strong student-centered curriculum, and promotes a positive school climate. Our school is home to six kindergarten classrooms and three integrated preschool classrooms. Our kindergarten and preschool programs build strong foundational academic skills and support the social/emotional development of our young students. In addition, the Boutwell offers an extended day kindergarten program (CARES).
Kindergarten Curriculum Overview
The kindergarten curriculum includes Readers' and Writers' Workshop utilizing the Lucy Calkins Units of Study, Fundations, Envision Math, and Elevate Science. The Responsive Classroom approach to teaching is implemented in all classrooms. The Responsive Classroom approach fosters social skill development along with academic engagement, supports a positive classroom and school climate, increases student involvement, and enhances community building. Additionally, students participate in Physical Education, Music, Art, Library and Technology. Special education services are available for those students who qualify and require assistance in the areas of speech and language, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. In addition, a reading specialist is available and provides services to students focusing on reading support and enrichment.
The AimsWeb Test of Early Literacy is administered to each kindergarten student three times a year. The results of this screening assist teachers in differentiating instruction to meet student's individual needs. Kindergarten students are also assessed using the Fountas & Pinnell benchmark assessment two times a year. These assessments provide additional data to ensure students are making progress. The Boutwell has continued to use the Response to Intervention approach which provides students multi-tiered learning support. Interventions are provided to give each student the opportunity to refine or enrich specific skills. During this intervention time students work in small groups with various staff members. The goal is to give each student what they need at a particular point in time. Monthly data meetings are held to review the data collected from our literacy and math assessments. This data is analyzed and used to implement changes in instruction.
Preschool Curriculum Overview
The preschool curriculum includes the OWL literacy program and Fundations. Our preschool students participate in whole group and small group activities during our science and social studies lessons. Many lessons include hands-on activities and are integrated within our literacy program. The Responsive Classroom approach to teaching is implemented in all classrooms. The Responsive Classroom approach fosters social skill development along with academic engagement, supports a positive classroom and school climate, increases student involvement, and enhances community building. Additionally, students participate in Physical Education. Special education services are available for those students who qualify and require assistance in the areas of speech and language, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.
PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports)
PBIS is a research based systems approach that aims to establish a positive school culture in which students will learn appropriate strategies for behavior from one another which will create school environments that are safe, consistent and socially predictable. The Boutwell PBIS team developed three core values and a set of “school wide expectations” that have been successfully implemented in our school. These expectations are taught using student centered lessons with all our students at the beginning of the school year and revisited mid-year for consistency. The lessons focus on active listening, problem solving, respect, emotional regulation, responsible decision making, and empathy.
Our 3 Core Values:
Be Kind
Be Safe
Try Even When It's Hard